The Form 10K is a long, detailed annual report on financials and operations that companies must submit to the SEC. It is one of the most important filings for investors to understand before buying or selling stock. CapEdge helps you quickly cut-through the noise and get straight to the details. Sign up for free Recent 10-K filings

Ignore the boilerplate text
The SEC imposes a formal structure to 10K annual reports, so most companies use the same template every year. This makes it tiring to read one report after another, because most of the text is the same and important changes can be missed. CapEdge diffs highlight any text that’s been added, removed or changed from one year to the next, so you can quickly discover exactly what’s different in each 10K, and skip the template text.

Analyze the subtext
Academic research suggests that the use, or change, of specific language in a 10K filing can correlate with future stock price. CapEdge provides sentiment analysis next to each annual report, based on the findings of the research papers. Also, added and removed word lists let you quickly see words that are new to the current filing, or missing words that were previously used.

Search 10K SEC filings
With the most powerful SEC filing search on the market, it’s quick and easy to search across annual reports for the information you need to make an investment decision. For example:
Get annual report alerts
It’s time consuming to stay on top of all the companies you’re researching. Use CapEdge filing alerts to have new 10K annual reports automatically emailed to your inbox.
Use financial data
All modern 10K filings come with Excel files of audited financial data that you can view in CapEdge or download and use in your models.
Annotate your findings
Highlight text in any filing to store contextual notes in your private collection, or share them with everyone.