Favorites help you to keep track of companies and searches that are important to you. You must have a registered account, and be logged in, to use favorites.

Favorite companies

To add a favorite company, click the Add Favorites button on your dashboard, or go to any company dashboard. To access a company dashboard, you can for example:

  • search for the company ticker or name, or
  • click on the first tab above a filing

On the company dashboard, click the star near the top of the page, to the right of the company name. The star will change to yellow to show that this company is now one of your favorites.

Benefits of favorite companies include:

  • Customized dashboard of filings, news, patents, calendar, etc.
  • Quick access to your favorite companies via the Favorites list that can be displayed on any page.
  • Automatic email alerts for new filings from favorite companies, minutes after they are filed. You can easily opt-out of this feature, or change the types of filings you receive, via your account settings page.

To remove an existing favorite, click the yellow star next to that company, either on the company dashboard or in your favorites list on your dashboard.


You can organize your favorites into folders and apply different email settings to each folder.

To create a folder, go to your dashboard and click the Add favorites or folders button. Next, type the desired name of your folder into the first box, and select Add a new folder named... from the drop-down menu that appears after you've typed it's name. You can do this for multiple folder names to add multiple. When you're done, click the Add favorites button at the bottom to add them.

When you next add favorites, you can select an existing folder to add them into, from the drop-down that appears on the add favorites screen. If you're on a company dashboard, click the down-arrow to the right of the star to select a folder to add the company to.

To move an existing favorite into a folder, go to your dashboard, and click the down-arrow next to the star to the right of the favorite. You should then see an option to move it into any folder. You can do the same thing to move it again or back to top-level.

You can also add folders under folders to create a hierarchy, or move a folder into a folder, in the same way that you add or move favorite companies under a folder.

To delete a folder you can either click the yellow star to the right of it, or again use the down-arrow next to the star to access the Delete folder option.

To update your email settings for a folder, first go to your dashboard, then click on the folder name in the favorites list. On the folder dashboard, click the Edit folder notifications button to set email alert settings for companies under this folder.

Favorite searches

You can also save up to 100 favorite searches. Perform a search then click the star at the top of the results page to save that search query as a favorite. You can’t save a broad search, which is defined as one that would normally match over 500 new filings per month.

Favorite searches are checked every few minutes. If any new filings match any of your favorite searches, you’ll receive an email alert that lists all the new filings that match.

Remember that if you want to receive email alerts for a particular company (rather than a keyword or sophisticated search combination), it’s better to add the company as a favorite from the company dashboard, as favorite company email alerts are sent more frequently.