The Earnings Tab is a top-level page that lists recently financial financial reports (eg 10-Ks and 10-Qs), earnings specific announcements (8-Ks), and lists companies we anticipate will be filing imminently based on their historical filings.
This page has three tables:
- An ordinal list of earnings related filings (November 14, 2022). This is displayed in descending order of filing time. Where there are previous filings, we give users the ability to "view the difference" between the current filing and the most previous filing by the specific company.
- A calendar day selector that illustrates the number of filings of a type for a specific day with call outs to notable companies that we anticipate will file on a particular day.
- An ordinal list of companies, their market cap and exchange that we believe will release earnings on or about this day based on their past activity.
Filings tracked in this tab include:
- 1-K
- 1-SA
- 10-K
- 10-Q
- 18-K - filed by non-US sovereign goverments and their political entities
- 20-F - an annual report filing for non-US and non-Canadian companies that have securities trading in the U.S.
- 40-F - an annual filing by Canadian companies with securities registered in the US
- 8-K
- ARS - an optional document intended as a direct communication with shareholders, used to report company performance in advance of an annual meeting.
- C-AR - an annual report required to be filed after successfully closing a regulation crowdfunding campaign